Geet Requests

If you think, we are missing any good inspiring geets on this website, please let us know using the form below. If you have the links to that geet or lyrics of that song, let us know too.

This website is an attempt to bring together people with like minded interests in patriotic and inspirational geets.

I will respond to your comments through e-mail, to the best of our abilities.

In addition, if you have any geets that you can share with others, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.

namstay plz upload marwadisong

mujhe jagaya tumko kitni bar yah geet kuopya mail ki jiye
aur sangh geet bhi bhejiye namaskar


Can we get karaoke music for the song "o daarigane priya nehigane" (Kannada song)? Thanks.

Plz send me the following song : "jaya jaya he bhagawathi sura bharathi tava charanam prana mama ha" i think it was written by Subramanya bharathi. If anybody send to me, i owe to them

pleas upload kannad language geet- dhawal himad giriya mel.

plese send jagaya tumklo kitni bar geet.

please send geet- wah chandan bi kya chamdan ha go aapana vam mahaka na saka

' ek sanskruti ek dharm hai' geet chahia

Sir,kavi som thakur ki kavita"mere bharat ki maati chandan aur abeer hai sau sau naman Karu mere bhaiya....."Hindi main chaiye

song- jai bharti bnde bharti
movie- aye mere watan ke logo

i wnt the song ekla cholo re by rabindranath tagore if anybody has it pls mail to me on my email id. [email protected] thanks hope will. get a reply soon

kripya mujhe "deh shiva var mohe ehe"shabd bheje.


Please upload “Navshatabde Kaliyugabde Hindu Dharmo Vijayatam”.


anandachi gudhi ubharu anandachi gudhi he padya pahije

nameste ji
muze paya he jivan anmol peram shardha ka ras ghol bol hari hari bol
geet chahiye
krapya uplabdh karane ki karpa kare

Please upload the audio of malayalam ganageetham udathamayoru lakshyam venam

Sir plz send me a song..
"ma bharti ki swarnim mati hai mera chandan"

कृपया हेडगेवारजी के कुछ पद्य भेजे
मराठी हो तो उत्तम...
जैसे "केशवांनी संघरुपी कल्पवृक्षा लाविले..." ये भी भेजिये...
मेरा ईमेल है: [email protected]

pls naye geet bheje

krpya'" tumne sota desh jagaya sote yuvak jagaye "" beje

Can you please upload the geet 'Nirmal pavan bhavana'?

please can you send me this Geet- Navyug ka vichar aayaa

Navyug ka vichar aayaa

Can you post the lyrics and the audio of the song " milke chalo milke chalo " ?

please send me malayalam ganageetham "udathamayoru lakshyam venam.......'

Namasthe..have u got this ganageetham audio. Pls send me too

jai shri ram mujhe"ekta swatantrata samanta rahe desh me charitra k mahanta rahe"bhejye dhanyavad

संघ मंत्र के हे उद्गाता I want mp3 of the song "Sangh Mantr ke he Udgata. If any body has it kindly uploand on Geetganga or e-mail it to me. I will be vety thankful.

N. P. Shah

संघ मंत्र के हे उद्गाता I want mp3 of the song "Sangh Mantr ke he Udgata. If any body has it kindly uploand on Geetganga or e-mail it to me. I will be vety thankful. My e-mal address is [email protected]

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